Thursday, March 12, 2009

Your Kind Referral

Dr. Middleton and the staff here at Advanced Laser and Cosmetic Surgery Centre are thankful for all the lovely thank you letters and gifts we receive. We welcome all your comments and suggestions. We are equally greatful for all the friends and colleagues you send to us. Please make sure they mention your name when they come to visit the clinic so that we may, in turn, thank you for your kind referral. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Beauty Mark?

Not every mole is as beautiful as Cindy Crawford's celebrated "beauty mark". For those whose mole positioning may not be as fortunate, there is an effective way of removing these bothersome blemishes. Whether it's one mole or several that you would rather see disappear, Dr. Middleton's delicate technique offers the most appealing result.